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Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor

Health and Safety of Employees

Part of the Wellness Program of PDIC is the identification of the top four diseases prevalent among its personnel. The data are gathered from the results of the employees' Annual Physical Examination. Physical and health activities are developed and undertaken by PDIC specifically to address the top four diseases. The holding of wellness activities and their relation to the top four diseases are announced through the intranet, the bulletin board and public announcement system.

Employees are made aware of incidents related to their safety and welfare with corresponding safety reminders. Before holding fire and earth quake drills, part of the preparation for the drills involves the dissemination of facts and statistics on fires and earthquakes, the designated employee-marshals, and exit and safety points during the drills.

Health and Wellness Activities

Learning and Development

PDIC provides its employees with opportunities for learning and development programs that -

  • a. Seek to respond to and support the PDIC's Strategic Plan / Roadmap in developing committed and competent personnel;
  • b. Address identified gaps in competencies (i.e. core, technical/functional, leadership/managerial) based on results of annual competency (re)assessment surveys conducted for PDIC personnel;
  • c. Provide continued support for the training requirements in implementing:
    • c.1 Corporate Strategies and Initiatives;
    • c.2 ISO 9001:2015 (re)certification of key processes;
    • c.3 Gender and Development Programs;
    • c.4 Crisis Management Programs;
    • c.5 Governance, Risks;
    • c.6 Comprehensive On-Boarding Program;
    • c.7 Safety and Health programs; and
    • c.8 Others
  • d. Cover Supervisory, Leadership and Management Programs for supervisors, middle managers and executives; and
  • e. Provide practical and positive approaches to personal and professional growth.

These, as well as other training needs intended to build up/enhance knowledge, skills and attitudes, are all incorporated in the annual Competency-Based Learning and Development Plan which is aimed at creating awareness, generating action and facilitating learning and growth across ranks of the Corporation.

Statistics 2024
Statistics 2023
Statistics 2022
Statistics 2021
Statistics 2019-2020
Statistics 2016-2018
     List of Training Programs

Addressing Concerns about illegal or unethical practices

The Grievance Machinery allows employees to convey to their supervisors their dissatisfaction with their work situation and/or performance rating. If the grievance could not be resolved from the lowest level, it may be elevated to the next higher level up to the Grievance Committee until a workable solution can be forged to improve the morale, and eventually, the performance of the employees concerned.

PDIC adheres to the Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (RRACCS) and the Grievance Machinery both of which were issued by the Civil Service Commission, and Memorandum Circular No. 2012-07, issued by the Governance Commission for GOCCs which gives the Board of Directors authority to discipline, or remove from office erring Officers. Implementing guidelines have been issued fleshing out the provisions of the RRACCS and Grievance Machinery. Employees and third parties may freely air their complaints, which may even be elevated to the Board if the employee complained of is an Officer. Complainants are assured that their actions will not be taken against them, more so when formal charges are eventually issued by PDIC against the employee complained of as PDIC itself then assumes the standing of the complainant in the administrative case, thus insulating the original complainant from retaliatory actions. Administrative cases involving Officers and employees are regularly reported to the Board through the Board Governance Committee.

PDIC is a government instrumentality created in 1963
by virtue of Republic Act 3591, as amended, to insure
the deposits of all banks. PDIC exists to protect
depositors by providing deposit insurance coverage for the depositing public and help promote financial stability. PDIC is an attached agency of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
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