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Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor

BULLETIN NO. 2023-02

Revised Design of the PDIC Decal for ATM Screens

In view of the passage into law of Republic Act No. 11840 that amended the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) Charter, the PDIC is now an attached agency to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

With this, we enjoin all banks to update the PDIC decal on their respective ATM screens and other applicable electronic channels, using the updated design below:

The high resolution file is available for download through this link: For inquiries and other concerns on the revised design of the PDIC decal for ATM screens, please contact the PDIC Corporate Communications Department through e-mail address or telephone number (02) 8841-4637 to 39.

We thank the banking industry for being our partner in promoting depositor confidence through the protection provided by PDIC’s deposit insurance.

President & CEO

03 February 2023


PDIC is a government instrumentality created in 1963
by virtue of Republic Act 3591, as amended, to insure
the deposits of all banks. PDIC exists to protect
depositors by providing deposit insurance coverage for the depositing public and help promote financial stability. PDIC is an attached agency of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
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