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Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor

TO :All Banks
SUBJECT :Revised Rules and Regulations on the Use of PDIC Seal and Advertisement of PDIC Membership and Deposit Insurance Coverage under Republic Act No. 3591, as amended.

Pursuant to its authority under Sections 3 (b) and 9 (Tenth) of the PDIC Charter (Republic Act No. 3591, as amended), the Board of Directors of the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation issued Board Resolution No. 2019-09-130 dated October 1, 2019, approving the issuance of these Revised Rules and Regulations on the Use of PDIC Seal and Advertisement of PDIC Membership and Deposit Insurance Coverage under Republic Act No. 3591, as amended, implementing Sections 9 and 26 (a) of the PDIC Charter.

Section 1. Statement of Policy

PDIC shall, as a basic policy, promote and safeguard the interests of the depositing public by providing insurance coverage on all insured deposits and helping maintain a sound and stable banking system.

The PDIC shall promulgate regulations that will provide for the proper use of its corporate seal, the insurance statement, and PDIC official signs pursuant to Section 26 (a) of the PDIC Charter which mandates every insured bank to use and display the PDIC official signs at its place of business, and to include a statement in all its advertisements that its deposits are insured by PDIC.

Section 2. Coverage

These Rules prescribe the guidelines, procedures and standards relative to the use, display requirements, and procurement of the following:

  1. The PDIC Seal
  2. The PDIC Official Insurance Statement, and
  3. The PDIC Official Signs.

Section 3. The PDIC Seal

  1. The design of the new PDIC Seal is as follows:

    1. The new PDIC Seal is a gold yellow semi-circle with blue font full name of PHILIPPINE DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION in it surrounding the blue font acronym PDIC representing the seal of protection, continual pursuit of high quality service, simplicity, clarity, transparency and friendliness approach in the discharge of PDIC's mandates.

    2. An illustration of the PDIC Seal shown in its proper color is attached as Annex "A" and made an integral part hereof.

  2. Use of PDIC Seal

  3. The PDIC Seal shall be exclusively used to represent the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation. The use or display, or the manufacture and reproduction for sale, use, or display of the PDIC Seal, or any likeness or substantial part thereof, is prohibited except in the following cases:

    1. Use in accordance with Section 5 hereof;

    2. Printing in books, journals, pamphlets, periodicals, or magazines incident to a description or history of the PDIC, subject to prior approval of PDIC;

    3. Display in libraries, museums, or educational facilities incident to descriptions or exhibits relating to the PDIC;

    4. Photographic or electronic visual reproduction in pictures, moving pictures, telecasts, or otherwise of bona fide news content relating to the PDIC; and

    5. Such other uses for exceptional historical, educational, or newsworthy purposes as may be authorized in writing by the PDIC.

Section 4. The PDIC Official Insurance Statement

  1. The following is the PDIC Official Insurance Statement:

  2. "Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor."

    1. This Official Insurance Statement shall be used by banks in its general advertisements and advertisement of its deposit products, in any form such as, but not limited to, print, video and audio. This shall also be indicated in the homepage of a bank's website and mobile banking application and its website page/s where deposit products and services are presented, as well as in evidence of deposits as defined under pertinent banking rules and regulations. General advertisements are hereby defined as those indicating the name of the bank, without showing or mentioning any particular bank product or services.

    2. The PDIC Official Insurance Statement appearing in print, video, and social media advertisements of a bank, as well as in the bank's website and mobile banking application, shall be of such size and print that is clearly legible.

    3. Printed advertisements shall include among others, advertisements shown in newspapers, magazines, journals, directories, banners, billboards, posters, brochures, leaflets and other printed marketing proposals.

    4. In the case of video advertisements, the PDIC Official Insurance Statement should be shown for at least five (5) seconds.

    5. The name of the bank shall always be disclosed in all forms of advertisements where the PDIC Official Insurance Statement is included/cited.

  3. Prohibited Advertisements

  4. The inclusion of the PDIC Official Insurance Statement in the following bank advertisements is strictly prohibited:

    1. Print, video and audio advertisements relating, but not limited, to:

      1. Trust and investment products or services;

      2. Electronic money;

      3. Deposit substitutes;

      4. Debt and capital instruments;

      5. Loans and credit; or

        1. Credit card advertisements shall exclude the PDIC official insurance statement, except when the acquisition of a credit card requires the maintenance of a deposit account.

      6. Financial products of a bank's allied undertakings or of its investment house units cross-sold within bank premises.

    2. Advertisements pertaining to the recruitment of bank personnel, except when such advertisements are also included in another advertisement announcing the opening of a new bank branch or office; and,

    3. Advertisements pertaining to insurance coverage of addition to or renewal of existing deposits and new deposits made after termination of insured status provided in Section 8 of the Charter.

Section 5. The PDIC Official Signs and Display Requirements

  1. The PDIC Official Signs

  2. The PDIC Official Signs are composed of the decal/sticker, desktop standee, and the electronic/digital image of the PDIC official sign for Automated Teller Machines (ATM), issued by PDIC. These official signs bear the PDIC seal and the official PDIC insurance statement as described in Sections 3(A) and 4(A), respectively. An illustration of the PDIC official signs is shown in Annex B.

  3. Display Requirements

    1. The PDIC decal/sticker shall be prominently and continuously posted at the entrance of a bank's head office, branches and branch-lite units.

    2. The PDIC desktop standee shall be prominently and continuously displayed at the bank's counter/s or window/s where deposits are received in a bank's head office, branches/branch-lite units. Every two counters or windows may share one desktop standee.

    3. The electronic/digital image of the PDIC official sign shall be prominently shown electronically or digitally at the screen of ATMs or other similar automated machines used for deposit transactions.

  4. Procurement

  5. The PDIC decal/sticker and desktop standee shall be procured exclusively from PDIC by accessing the online order form at the PDIC website; requesting a copy from the Public Assistance Department for walk-in clients; or by calling or fax request for an order form to Procurement and Property Department.

    The electronic/digital image of the PDIC Official sign for display at ATM screens can be downloaded by bank representatives from the PDIC website

Section 6. Sanctions & Penalties.

  1. The violation of Sections 3, 4, or 5 of this Regulatory Issuance shall subject the erring bank and/or its directors, officers, employees, or agents to administrative fines as may be determined to be appropriate by the PDIC Board of Directors, pursuant to Section 26 (g) of the PDIC Charter [Republic Act No. 3591, as amended].

  2. The foregoing is without prejudice to the institution of appropriate civil and criminal actions against any person or entity, including a bank and its directors, officers, employees, or agents for violation of this Regulatory Issuance.

  3. PDIC reserves the right to order the removal of the PDIC Seal, Official Insurance Statement, and PDIC Official Signs in any display, sign, or exhibit, and/or discontinuance of the use thereof in any manner inconsistent or in contravention with the policy objective of this Regulation, without prejudice to the imposition of other sanctions under Section 26 of the PDIC Charter [Republic Act No. 3591, as amended].

Section 7. Repealing Clause.

PDIC Rules and Regulations on the Use of PDIC Seal (Regulatory Issuance No. 2009-04) and Advertisement of PDIC Membership and Deposit Insurance Coverage (Regulatory Issuance No. 2009-01), and all other related rules and/or regulations that are inconsistent with this Rule are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

Section 8. Effectivity

These Revised Rules and Regulations on the Use of PDIC Seal and Advertisement of PDIC Membership and Deposit Insurance Coverage shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation.

For strict compliance.

President and CEO
Date: October 17, 2019

Download the electronic/digital image of the PDIC official sign – JPG File

Published: Manila Bulletin, October 31, 2019


PDIC is a government instrumentality created in 1963
by virtue of Republic Act 3591, as amended, to insure
the deposits of all banks. PDIC exists to protect
depositors by providing deposit insurance coverage for the depositing public and help promote financial stability. PDIC is an attached agency of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
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