As of December 31, 2015
(Accounts in Absolute Figures; Amounts in Thousands of Pesos)
Banks are accountable for the accuracy of financial reports they submit to PDIC from which presented industry statistics are derived. Timing differences in data generation principally account for the differences that these statistics may have with reports of other agencies and other PDIC reports containing similar data.
DEPOSIT SIZE  Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount   Account   Amount 
P        5,000.00 & below     5,126,720         5,033,295     5,126,616         5,032,943               104               352          42,874            101,942                  -                    -       5,061,644         4,908,070               102               343          22,098              22,931                   2                   8                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P        5,000.01 - P      10,000        383,286         2,627,423        383,209         2,626,861                 77               561          11,227              78,864                  -                    -          368,764         2,523,823                 75               549            3,218              24,175                   2                 13                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P      10,000.01 - P      15,000        164,429         1,961,602        164,385         1,961,040                 44               562            3,423              41,709                  -                    -          158,135         1,885,220                 44               562            2,827              34,111                  -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -  
P      15,000.01 - P      40,000        274,187         6,636,118        273,932         6,628,237               255            7,881            5,540            135,587                  -                    -          261,622         6,320,182               245            7,598            6,770            172,468                 10               283                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P      40,000.01 - P      60,000          92,655         4,496,539          92,559         4,491,531                 96            5,007            1,640              80,166                  -                    -            85,208         4,122,433                 82            4,319            5,711            288,933                 14               689                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P      60,000.01 - P      80,000          49,710         3,415,220          49,662         3,411,851                 48            3,368               943              65,408                  -                    -            46,001         3,157,040                 39            2,743            2,718            189,404                   9               626                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P      80,000.01 - P    100,000          36,084         3,252,416          36,028         3,247,240                 56            5,176               658              58,860                  -                    -            30,000         2,669,351                 43            3,953            5,370            519,030                 13            1,223                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P    100,000.01 - P    150,000          61,801         7,339,604          61,729         7,331,106                 72            8,498            1,128            137,993                  -                    -            51,534         6,120,456                 39            4,766            9,067         1,072,658                 33            3,732                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P    150,000.01 - P    200,000          30,836         5,346,650          30,807         5,341,524                 29            5,126               742            128,937                  -                    -            24,552         4,209,252                 22            3,911            5,513         1,003,335                   7            1,216                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P    200,000.01 - P    250,000          24,475         5,421,591          24,447         5,415,150                 28            6,441               503            112,143                  -                    -            18,485         4,066,718                 17            3,829            5,459         1,236,290                 11            2,612                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P    250,000.01 - P    300,000          14,959         4,098,468          14,946         4,094,968                 13            3,500               387            105,674                  -                    -            10,930         2,969,316                 10            2,717            3,629         1,019,979                   3               783                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P    300,000.01 - P    400,000          20,817         7,154,816          20,792         7,146,224                 25            8,591               578            199,528                  -                    -            15,249         5,203,797                 17            5,842            4,965         1,742,900                   8            2,749                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P    400,000.01 - P    500,000          27,990       13,191,315          27,973       13,183,459                 17            7,856               411            184,746                  -                    -            13,889         6,351,437                 10            4,539          13,673         6,647,277                   7            3,317                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P    500,000.01 - P    750,000          20,378       11,633,924          20,362       11,624,389                 16            9,535               609            371,228                  -                    -            13,661         7,859,485                 13            7,766            6,091         3,393,176                   3            1,769                   1               500                  -                    -  
P    750,000.01 - P 1,000,000            7,028         6,324,750            7,022         6,319,650                   6            5,100               277            240,297                  -                    -              4,178         3,644,437                   2            1,520            2,567         2,434,916                   4            3,580                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P 1,000,000.01 - P 1,500,000            6,992         8,186,785            6,988         8,182,431                   4            4,354               336            409,965                  -                    -              4,328         5,062,035                   3            3,125            2,324         2,710,431                   1            1,228                  -                    -                    -                    -  
P 1,500,000.01 - P 2,000,000            2,696         4,767,403            2,695         4,765,630                   1            1,773               186            319,430                  -                    -              1,662         2,887,298                   1            1,773               847         1,558,902                  -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -  
Over P 2,000,000            6,415       37,824,919            6,413       37,809,030                   2          15,889               383         1,846,578                  -                    -              3,676       18,909,058                   2          15,889            2,354       17,053,394                  -                    -                    -                    -                    -                    -  
Total     6,351,458     138,712,838     6,350,565     138,613,267               893          99,571          71,845         4,619,053                  -                    -       6,173,518       92,869,406               766          75,744        105,201       41,124,308               127          23,826                   1               500                  -                    -  
Fully Insured c/     6,307,949       69,975,057     6,307,085       69,912,137               864          62,920          70,054         1,431,554                  -                    -       6,146,013       54,507,093               745          45,670          91,018       13,973,490               119          17,250                  -                    -                    -                    -  
Partially Insured d/          43,509       21,754,500          43,480       21,740,000                 29          14,500            1,791            895,500                  -                    -            27,505       13,752,500                 21          10,500          14,183         7,091,500                   8            4,000                   1               500                  -                    -  
Total Insured     6,351,458       91,729,557     6,350,565       91,652,137               893          77,420          71,845         2,327,054                  -                    -       6,173,518       68,259,593               766          56,170        105,201       21,064,990               127          21,250                   1               500                  -                    -  
% to Total Deposits                                            
Fully Insured c/ 99.31% 50.45% 99.32% 50.44% 96.75% 63.19% 97.51% 30.99% 0.00% 0.00% 99.55% 58.69% 97.26% 60.30% 86.52% 33.98% 93.70% 72.40% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Partially Insured d/ 0.69% 15.68% 0.68% 15.68% 3.25% 14.56% 2.49% 19.39% 0.00% 0.00% 0.45% 14.81% 2.74% 13.86% 13.48% 17.24% 6.30% 16.79% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total Insured 100.00% 66.13% 100.00% 66.12% 100.00% 77.75% 100.00% 50.38% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 73.50% 100.00% 74.16% 100.00% 51.22% 100.00% 89.19% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00%
a/  Long-term Negotiable Certificates of Deposits
b/ Foreign Currency Deposit Unit/Expanded FCDU
c/ Fully Insured refers to the deposit accounts with balances up to P500,000.
d/ Partially Insured refers to the deposit accounts with balances of more than P500,000 with insured amount up to P500,000 only.
Source:  Financial Reporting Package - Schedule of Deposit Liabilities by Size of Account